Robert Tilton - robert tilton - What Does Tilton Teach? The mission of robert tilton ministries - and the vision God has placed on my heart is to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Mk. 16:15), and to bring new creation truths to men and wome
You've tried it all!
Published on June 7, 2004 By roberttilton In Religion
You've tried it all! A hit, a fix, a drink, work. You've been up, and you've been down...You've tried every-thing, but the alternative.

Face it, what you're really searching for is peace of mind, joy of heart, and pur-pose for living...
And nothing you've tried even hospitals, therapy, rehabilitation - has worked.

What really works is Jesus Christ. He's the only One who changes lives.

Robert Tilton can show you how to follow Christ into all of God's best for you. He can show you how to stop running and start liv-ing, take control of your life, get rid of drugs and alcohol, overcome your problems and stress, break out of the poverty trap. He will teach you how to renew your mind in Jesus Christ and to use the authority of God's Word to defeat your demons. You can win!

That's why he has a daily television program, Success- N-Life, and holds Miracles of Faith Crusades across the nation.

Robert Tilton will show you how to change your life if you're really serious. He has already shown thousands of others around the world. He will show you too!

You've already tried everything else, why not try the alternative? Don't you think it's time to do it right? Give Christ a chance.

Call the Miracle Prayer Center at 214-620--6200 or visitWord of Faith Family Church loca-ted on 1-35 E (Valley View exit) just north of 635 (LBJ Frwy). Sunday 8 & 10 a.m & 6 p.m.

Only in his mid-thirties. Bill pleaded with God to let him die. During the past five years, his doctors had hospitalized him 45 times because of his severe heart problems.

But poor health wasn't his only con-cern; he had a wife and son to support, yet his severe physical problems made it hard to continue working.

A trip to Word of Faith Family Church brought a glimmer of hope to this problem-plagued family. "I had always just accepted everything and endured my circumstances,” Bill admits.

"But after learning about walking in faith. I decided to take a stand and believe God wanted to heal me and set my fam-ily free from the spirit of lack" (III Jn. 2).

And God did. Bill received his com-plete healing at a Word of Faith service when Robert Tilton laid hands on him and prayed.

Bill and his wife. Pat made a vow of thanksgiving to God and paid regularly on it as God provided. One day when Bill was seeking the Lord about starting his own delivery business, the phone rang. It was a prayer minister from Robert Tilton Ministries. This divine coin-cidence gave Bill the confidence he needed to get started.

After one year his delivery business tripled in earnings. "Vowing is a tool to prove God's Word;' Bill declares.

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