Robert Tilton - robert tilton - What Does Tilton Teach? The mission of robert tilton ministries - and the vision God has placed on my heart is to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Mk. 16:15), and to bring new creation truths to men and wome
roberttilton's Articles In Religion
June 7, 2004 by roberttilton
You've tried it all! A hit, a fix, a drink, work. You've been up, and you've been down...You've tried every-thing, but the alternative. Face it, what you're really searching for is peace of mind, joy of heart, and pur-pose for living... And nothing you've tried even hospitals, therapy, rehabilitation - has worked. What really works is Jesus Christ. He's the only One who changes lives. Robert Tilton can show you how to follow Christ into all of God's best for you. He can show you how...